From 18 to 20 May 2021 in Shanghai, Poultry production “Severnaya” took part in China's largest and leading international exhibition of food, beverages and hospitality industry SIAL China 2021 in the first time.
Within its own stand, the company presented its latest achievements and products for the further promotion of their goods abroad. It should be noted that the interaction of the Russian Federation and the PRC in the field of food trade in recent years has been one of the key points of growth in bilateral trade and economic cooperation. The development of the export direction is an important part of the Poultry production “Severnaya” strategy.
«塞维尔那雅»家禽生产股份公司参加2021 年SIAL China国际食品展。
2021年5月18-20日«塞维尔那雅»家禽生产股份公司第一次参加中国最大、全球食品饮料全产业链首选的大展SIAL China。公司用自己的展位展示了最新成果和产品,以进一步在国外推广自己的产品。值得一提的是,近年来,在食品贸易领域上俄罗斯联邦和中华人民共和国之间的相互关系一直是双方贸易和经济合作增长的重点之一。出口方向的发展是«塞维尔那雅»家禽生产股份公司战略的重要部分。